Sunday 16 August 2015

Dirty cops in The World Of Darkness

Something I borrowed from a friend and stole from Person Of Interest, featured a bit in Walking Alone, and have been doing for a few days now in WoD Happens because, hey, the news is not exactly failing to give me ideas.

"Massive police corruption exposed. How to silence a particular corrupt cop so he doesn't rat out the Camarilla...?"

"In the police evidence lockup and, hey, there's a wraith hanging out by the murder weapons."
"It's never one thing. So, solving a wraith's murder. Let's see what the Giovanni want to help..."
"Back in the precinct and, oh, losing evidence in a murder trial. Don't mind me."
"Corruption, scandal, murder. Kinda like reading the news, but with more ghosts."

And of course, the really fun bit... playing dirty cops.

Although on the other hand: