Wednesday 30 September 2015

Vampires and the people who love them

So, yeah, Vampire game. Requiem Second Edition, partially for the more varied Humanity (which I'd totally import to Masquerade), mostly for the rules about playing mortals closely connected with Kindred. Hopefully someone will go with that.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Plans, of a sort

Welp, nobody running WOD games at the local society this academic year. (To be fair, there's like twelve games across three sessions. Nobody's running D&D or Pathfinder either!)

Looks to be a shortfall on Wednesday, so I might bring a Vampire book...

Saturday 19 September 2015

Gaming begins again... what to do...

What indeed.

While I like the group dynamic, Walking Alone ended so conclusively that bringing it back wouldn't work. I'd need to introduce a new Big Bad and after the demon who nearly killed the city it gets to be a stretch to bring in a suitable threat.

There's always Vampire, of course.