Saturday 22 June 2019


It did not rain on my parade! Unlike last week, when it did rain on the outdoor cinema weekend.
Happy shortest night! Or longest in the southern hemisphere!

Sunday 16 June 2019

Sunday 9 June 2019

Didi hits the road

Last session (for now, hopefully) and much ass was kicked.

And Didi tripped a guy. With magic! She is THE WORST after all.

Playing Didi has been huge fun, a licence to be snarky and at best vaguely helpful.

So, yes, a break from being the hero, highly recommended. (As long as everybody's okay with it!)

Sunday 2 June 2019

This will be FINE

Final confrontation imminent. Demon raising book stealing bad person about to have his ass kicked. Didi will be able to mark 'present'.