Sunday 30 January 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 16: Sugar skulls!

This means a visit to some other Hollow Ones...
Didi: "I'm not guaranteeing there will be sugar skulls, but there damn well better be."

... the preparing of a ritual to find the breach...
Simon: "Let me get my enchanted compass, shut up it's not that funny."

... and a fight with a revenant.
Cara: "And I'm up."

Sunday 23 January 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 15: Yeah Yeah Yeah Boards!

With some people alive who were scheduled to be dead by now, there's a hole in the Shroud. Cara may have to fight some bad guys she's already killed.

Didi, when asked: "Of course I have a Ouija board. More than one actually."

Saturday 15 January 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 14: Backsies!

There are no airships. So that's good.

But Alissa isn't answering her phone.

They find her eventually, having saved her mom meant she has now has two subtly different versions of the last six years in her history, and while she remembers the original clearly the one where she had a good home life is the the one the world thinks is real.

"Damn, really should have gone on that assassination spree..." Cara says with a shrug.

The group meets up to see if there are any other ripples they need to deal with. The Time Mage and his no-longer-late beloved are nowhere to be found.

And on to the next problem.

Which appears to be ghosts.

Lots of ghosts.

Saturday 8 January 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 13: Risk-taking!

So the circle help Alissa save her mom and it doesn't seem to cause any more Paradox backlash. So that's nice.

And Didi and Cara discuss Cara's knowledge that the guy she's dating at the time is going to break her heart in a few weeks.
"I can do something humiliating to him?"
"Better leave it. I mean, if I'm happy with him I might never wake."

A week passes and Didi wakes up in her current place with her current hair. She goes to look outside warily.

"Please no airships..."

David Bowie at 75

Live without your sunlight
Love without your heartbeat
I can't live within you

David Bowie, Within You

Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year!

Album of the year, in a year when like five other albums I liked came out, Halsey: If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power.