Saturday 24 January 2015

World Of Darkness One-Shot Games

Looks like we're expected to do one-shots again next weekend due to a games day happening at rather short notice. (But hey, for charity!)

I might have another go at my World Of Darkness Puny Mortals! one-shot "Don't Go In The House" if nothing else occurs to me.

The Vampire games don't seem to make for good one-shots. Do you start with the Embrace to help new players, explain a bunch of the setting, and then, er, do something? Or start with more experienced vampires, dropping a mass of jargon and ideas on them? And either way how do you sum Vampire up in one game? How much action, how much politicking, how much brooding? (I demand some brooding.) And yes, I could do "the Prince has been murdered" again...

Anyway, urgh, Puny Mortals are much much easier. As previously noted, I don't have to worry about any of the PCs being around for another session...

Or I could just mess with people and run Victorian Age Vampire. They're stuck in there looking for games...


  1. One of the first one shots I played had us make starting characters who were tasked with one particular thing to do in one night. That one was picking up someone at the airport and delivering him to someone else without being detected.

    One I did for the SoCal Crew was a treasure/scavenger hunt. Go find this and bring it to me, and you get a gift. It was also a one night thing.

  2. I did a one shot for a BBQ once, where a mortal mages daughter had been embraced by the tremere, which drove him insane and made him hella powerful. He demanded justice and the players were tasked with figuring out exactly how they would deal with this problem by the end of the night. Granted, everyone was familiar with the games and settings, and everyone died due to poor choices, but ya know... idea.

    1. Duly noted. Especially the "everyone died due to poor choices". :)

    2. This was the infamous "I embrace a squirrel..." game...

  3. Christopher: Start them human. Guide them through a horror story designed to resemble any given horror movie or scary TV show. Get them hooked on their characters so they want to see what supernaturals they become - the old Backdoor Pilot routine in the TV industry.

    Me: If I were considering another chronicle that would work, but I'm really not.

    Reuel: I might go with something you don't get to experience much in the WoD, which is the more powerful set. For instance an Archon and their Coterie investigating a city where something eradicated the Kindred population in unexplained fashion, or having to do a 'Dirty Dozen' type mission in Tijuana or Mexico City where they most certainly can't or won't survive sort of suicide mission.
