Monday 11 June 2018

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Nine

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Nine: We're still aching for tomorrow


Daniel broke the kiss, looking into Sarah's eyes as she opened them. She saw longing, and pain, even as he smiled slightly 

"Don't go," she said softly, raising a hand to his cool cheek, keeping his lips close to hers.
"I can't be what you want. I can't be what I want."
"So be what you can." And she pressed her lips to his again. This time he held the kiss.

They agreed to meet the next evening.

Mentioning this to Caitlyn and Gemma the next day, Caitlyn insisted on being there.

It was a minute before he was due that he called, to say he couldn't make it.

"Has something come up?"
"I'm being followed. Stay there, or go somewhere else that's public."
"I can help. I've still got that spray..."
"I don't want to put you in danger."
"I don't particularly want that either."
"I'll call tomorrow, if it's safe."

He didn't call the next night...

She went to find his sire.

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