Wednesday 25 March 2015

Walking The Red Carpet

This week in Walking Alone, which Puny Mortals! get to go to a fancy party and which ones... don't?

Kendrick the totally trustworthy vampire got Sarah and Jim invitations to a fancy cocktail party in an art gallery that may or may not be Elysium, to meet with a sorcerer/psychic contact on neutral territory. And also to lavish Sarah with expensive gifts and possibly lay the groundwork to try and seduce her.

"Not that you could blame him..." as Jim's player noted.

"Fighting evil is sooooo hard sometimes."

"I, uh... you look nice."
"Well, hello..."
Jim responded by being jealous and not saying anything until Kendrick asked Sarah to dance.

In as much contrast as feasible, Doyle and Connelly chased a mad demon-worshipper through an abandoned factory full of sharp bits of rusty metal and pools of oily water and stuff.

I'm sure they weren't jealous at all.

"God DAMN it!"
"Yeaaaaah, NO."

... Maybe a little.


  1. Reminds me of NB. Nostalgia setting in. Sigh.

    1. My work here is done!

      (Sorry for causing nostalgia sighs.)
