Thursday 23 April 2015

Walking In Bloody Puddles

My 100th post!

And in Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! attempt to exorcise a vampire with hilarious consequences. And by hilarious, I mean horrific.

Kendrick trapped one of Elina's goons and Dr. Connelly thought it would be worth trying. Fortunately the vampire was restrained at the time as he went directly into frenzy with no sign that he might ever come out again, so they were able to escape and lock him in the old warehouse until Doyle could come and throw Molotov cocktails at him.

Amelia the nice vampire who was kind of hoping this might be a cure for vampirism didn't exactly take this news very well. So that was unfortunate.

Kendrick added "get Connelly to kill Elina and/or kill Connelly" to his to-do list.

(Sure, the vampire could have just dropped into torpor but that wouldn't be much fun... and if the exorcism had really worked he'd probably have turned to dust, but that would be too useful...)

At least Amanda can see again. And she and Mike are totally a thing.

Which makes Sarah and Jim doubly awkward.

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