Thursday 8 December 2016

Nightclubbing: 8: We Learn Dances, Brand New Dances

Karen and Billy case the 'temple', a beach house.

"I'll need a way in. Wish I could turn into smoke."
"Uh... is that a thing?"
"It is for Dracula."

With that, Karen heads around back to scout it out. Billy stays in the car, down the street, watching people come and go. The place seems fairly popular at all hours.

Karen finds a payphone - this must be a nice part of town - and calls Hall.

"Yeah... we got a vampire dealing drugs here. And not street drugs."


Over the next couple days and nights they follow the vampire and his people, making deliveries, collecting money. Asking around, nobody knows this guy - where he came from, even his blood.

"So we could just disappear him..." Billy suggests.
"He has to have connections somewhere," Veronica replies. She's dressed down to meet them... or maybe avoiding attention after the guy last week.
"So we find out some more." Hall flexes his knuckles.


In return, Karen also looks into The Guy. Nothing weird, that she can tell. "But, y'know, I've only been a vampire since September."


Veronica decides to meet The Guy, with backup in another booth of the club.

"I was surprised you called... you seemed upset last time."
"Just a little startled."
"Well, my neck's fine... if you want another go..."