Thursday 26 January 2017

Nightclubbing: 9: Like The Nuclear Bomb

It's six weeks since our last session, so some recap and on to a new development...

It's another of Edie's parties up in the Hills, and Veronica is still stressing over The Guy. Edie insists on introducing her to a film producer who's casting "a modern vampire movie, like, how they'd be able to live unnoticed in a big city" and says she'd be great for the role of the innocent ingénue. She thanks Edie for trying to cheer her up.

Hall spots one of his clan leading off a girl who probably isn't old enough to be drinking, let alone getting drunk from. He follows him out, and the guy gets territorial and defensive. He tries to buy him off with information - something about the snake cult making inroads into the heroin trade. Hall shoves him off the hill, then goes to tell Karen.

"Great, I'm going to go rob some vampire drug dealers. Wish me luck, I guess."

The three vampires find an empty beach house nearby to sleep so they can go in early, depending on what Billy sees during the day.

"People... as in, humans... coming and going all hours."

And about twenty minutes after sundown, a big black Cadillac parks nearby and three really obvious vampires get out. They're pale, lean, with staring eyes, wearing dark clothes.

They leave after half an hour, carrying a big bag. Nobody left inside.

Karen goes in to look for the book she's supposed to be stealing, finding it amongst a bunch of other creepy old limited edition publications. Hall finds a stash of untraceable guns. Veronica examines a bloodstain on the floor...

... and sees a ritual involving a snake being cut open and the three vampires sharing blood.