Thursday 16 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 16: (fading feedback)

Various Kindred gangs and cliques work together, more or less, to bring down the cartel. Some of the cartel rat out the vampire cult.

Some of the gangs and cliques turn on each other as there's now free domain up for grabs.


The cult break out the guns, and also open their secret weapons, more feral vampires.

Billy and Hall respond by blowing up their warehouse.


Karen pursues one of the cult vampires as he makes his getaway.

"You hate this life, don't you? The hunger, the hiding, the rage inside?"
"... Yes."
"What if I said that we could restore you? Give you back your life, the sun?"

She looks at him for a moment... sees the hunched posture, ready to strike.

"I... wouldn't believe you."

She slashes his throat before he can say any more.


Veronica makes sure the news crews stay away by giving them a nice messy celebrity scandal to focus on.


Morning comes, and Billy finds the last of the feral vampires and drags them out into the sun.


Hall has to start fighting other groups to keep the turf wars exploding.

Billy gets out of town.

Veronica finds The Guy back with the vampire who first introduced him.

Karen asks her sire if there really is a way to become human again. She tells her there isn't, and she knows that she's lying.

The End.


Well, I couldn't give them a happy ending, could I?

Billy gets away, still alive, wiser and with some loot. Everybody else... well, they're vampires, they don't deserve one. ;)

Thursday 9 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 15: (fading sirens)

Having ruined the cartel's night, the coterie wait for blowback from the snake cult.

Three nights later, the coroner shares a report about a rival drug gang being attacked and robbed of their supply and money.

"Well, that didn't take long..." Billy says.
"They're like us, not old enough to be patient." Veronica shrugs slightly.
"That's something..." Karen murmurs.

Hall finds one of the gang, and Veronica studies his reactions to his questions about the attack. She gets enough to track them down.

Another pack, hiding in the docks. Ready to bring in a big shipment. Drugs, guns... and something more....

Thursday 2 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 14: (feedback)

Veronica's sire studies The Guy. "He's human, alright. But you're not the first vampire he's met. The circles we move in, sometimes that happens. He doesn't even know, far as I can tell. But better to cut and run, in case his old friend comes back."

She pauses, and goes over to brush past The Guy.

"On second thought, go for it. I know who it is and let's mess up her evening."

The coterie meets to discuss their next move.

"So, these snake guys are working with a cartel..." Billy says.
"A big cartel," Hall adds.
"So what do we do?" Karen asks. "I mean, we can't call the vampire cops. Right?"
"Actually..." Veronica says.

Everyone looks at her.

"LA is a free city, but you go a hundred miles and it's still Camarilla territory. And we might not like creepy vampires running loose, but they really don't like them cutting into their profits."
Karen bites her lip. "So, what, we narc them out to the vampire feds?"
"This is their job."
Hall shakes his head. "No. We deal with this."
"So, how...?"

And cut to:

Veronica leading a coke dealer out the back of a club...

Hall taking a sawn-off shotgun to a stash house...

Billy stealing a car outside an Italian restaurant...

Karen looking down through a skylight at a truck being unloaded in an apparently unused warehouse...

The dealer running from Veronica...

Hall chasing down the dealer who last tried to rob Billy...

Billy bringing the car to a chop shop...

Karen dropping on a courier...

"Okay. They should be pissed off by now..." Billy says as Karen empties the courier's case into a trash can fire.
"So now we just wait for the snake cult to come and get us." Veronica pauses. "Put like that, was this a good idea?"


When vampires decide to pay attention to mortals, you don't want to be the mortals.