Sunday 25 June 2017

Stewart Wieck has died. Co-founder of White Wolf, main creator of Mage: The Ascension. He was just 49.

Thursday 22 June 2017

All that I want is to wake up fine

All that I want
Is to wake up fine
Tell me that I'm alright
And I ain't gonna die

All that I want
Is a hole in the ground
You can tell me when it's alright
For me to come out

Friday 16 June 2017

Playing without Humanity

The VTM 5 playtest's lack of Humanity consequences and the Hunger rules' encouragement to hunt frequently and temptation to kill encourages playing like a Lestat style monster. Which can be fun for a while.

Certainly there are players who want to play asshole monsters all the time... and that's fine when it's not in my Humanity-centric game.) It's also where a lot of Sabbat fandom comes from. Not all, but a lot.

I'm curious to see how they balance the two.