Wednesday 14 March 2018

The Forgotten: Sixteen

Colds and snow delayed this final session, but here goes...

Samuel grabs Carlin's coat collar and it bursts into flames under his hands. Carlin snarls and struggles to get away, giving the group a chance to run past him.

Jones signals for Samuel to get back, and slashes Carlin's throat with his fingernails.

"Keep moving! He wasn't alone!" Davis calls back to them as they linger.

"How right you are." Elise steps out of the dark, red eyes catching the dim light.

Jessica steps forward, with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter.

Elise burns.

Jessica looks horrified by what she just did as Elise runs, shrieking.

"This is too much. We have to get out of here." David leads the way to the next manhole.

Up above, they can hear the crack of gunfire in the distance.

"Are the police gonna come?" Jessica asks.
"Out here?" Mia shakes her head.

Jones heads toward the sound of fighting. Mia calls after him, but he doesn't look back.

David starts ushering Jessica away.

"Are you coming with me?"
"No. We... I can't let any of them win."

Jessica starts to nod, visibly scared and shaken.

"We'll go," Mia says, looking to Samuel, who nods in agreement.

And they go their separate ways.


Ending on the decision rather than the fight seemed like the right way to go.