Sunday 26 August 2018

Game plans for the academic year

Today I got an email asking what I'm GMing this academic year, and ran into someone from the games society who asked the same thing... and apparently we don't have any rooms booked.

So, uh... something I can run in the cafe I guess.

Monday 13 August 2018

What would New Bremen V5 be like?

They'd have to figure out how to track Hunger for lots of people. And decide on the Chronicle Tenets and Convictions. And how NPC Touchstones work. And You Are What You Eat. And...

Okay, it would be a lot of work.

But hey, we never really made Blood pool work reliably in the old chat, right?

And it would be fun to see, for example, the mess that the Tremere are in develop night to night, with loyalists on the Camarilla side and House Carna in with the anarchs for example.

It would have a new prince, again, obviously.

Sitewide messages for graffiti tags?

Thursday 2 August 2018

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition

I'll probably run V5 some time. Because I like VTR2 and it's learned a lot from it.

Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue, Caitiff, Thin-Bloods.

The Disciplines and clan weaknesses have gotten quite a bit of tweaking as well as the new dice measurements and the Hunger system. (The hungrier you are, the worse your clan weakness is - Ventrue can feed on anyone, but feeding outside their preference is harder the hungrier they are.)

The Tremere have changed weakness again, as part of getting metaplotted upside the head.

The game is focused on Camarilla and anarchs for now, with the Sabbat off to the side and the independents seemingly falling in the cracks.

And hey, if there's a chat...

Although I imagine Hunger would be a pain to implement. (But then again, Blood Pool was pretty much dependent on the honor system in old New Bremen...)