Monday 24 September 2018

Sins & Laments

An interview with Claudia Welles, an artifact of New Bremen from 2002. Thanks to Jonathan for hosting... for over fifteen years. :D

Wednesday 19 September 2018

She saves the world a lot.

The last issue of Buffy from Dark Horse Comics came out today. I'm dealing.

Sunday 16 September 2018

L.A. By Night

The V5 game L.A. By Night on Geek & Sundry started on Friday night (Saturday morning here) and went well. Having just one newly-Embraced PC was a good move. (Helped by being a proper acting freakout!)

Not sure I'll stay up till 7 a.m. for every episode live though - depends how quickly it's available to catch up.

Helped as a TV-kinda-thing by everybody looking the part, which you can't always arrange in RPGs, even LARP. If you can get a monster actor as your Nosferatu, go for it!

Monday 10 September 2018


C- okay, I'll stop that.

I'm okay with the possibility of a remake, or a reboot, or whatever, and Jordan Peele would do it well - assuming it isn't a Guillermo Del Toro situation where he's attached to eight billion things.