Sunday 24 February 2019

This is fine...

To the Ecstatic: "So, your mentor, um..."

In his defense, he did not deny it.

And then the Hermetic investigators came back with actual knowledge, which was more helpful.

So now we just have to stop a reality storm.

"... I need to call my mom."

Saturday 23 February 2019

No, I don't know what's going on with Tender either.


(no I don't)

Monday 18 February 2019

"Air Quotes"

On being introduced to a Hermetic investigation team:

"So we 'trust' these people, do we?"

Saturday 16 February 2019

Nines Rodriguez

Nines did not disappoint this day one Bloodlines geek in L.A. By Night. Playing him as genuinely good but unwilling to lead.

300 posts

and I got Wraith 20!

Sunday 10 February 2019

I swear this setup was deliberate.

"I can ask them something only the real one would know."
"Like what? You've never met the real one."
"... Shit."

But despite this early setback, Didi's ability to open doors and hit people with them proved sightly useful and the thief was caught. Though not before stealing something powerful from the Hermetic arsenal.

This is fine.

Saturday 9 February 2019

What we lost

I really love Jason Carl's reminders of what the vampires have lost in the scene-setting for L.A. By Night, like his introductions describing the normal days that normal people had as the Kindred slept, and the description of Griffith Park by day and by night in episode 2.05.

Also, it's okay, I wasn't using that heart anyway.

Monday 4 February 2019