Sunday 28 April 2019


Game continues! Alas, FANCY PARTY does not.

Although some of Didi's excited selfies with the super-cool vampires probably broke the Masquerade.

And she spent most of the evening asking Cara about the guys who asked her to dance, and nudging Simon to ask Book Girl out. Because Priorities.

Oh, and we fought a guy who was trying to summon ghosts for blackmail.

And by we, I mostly mean Cara.

Sunday 21 April 2019



I'm not saying I used my magic powers to steal a dress but if you were to think that I could neither confirm nor deny.

"Did you just fangirl at that vampire?"
"... No..."

So, we can probably defeat the arcane artifact theft ring and still get Library Girl to go out with Simon. Priorities.

Also, this happened to Cara. Strange.

And then guys asked her to dance. Very strange. Ahem.

Sunday 14 April 2019

Monday 8 April 2019

Santa Monica By Night

Outstar, a big VTM fan and particularly big Bloodlines-er, and Memoriesin8bit, made a short point-and-click Bloodlines homage / sequel, Santa Monica By Night.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Oh, Jasper. (LA By Night)

To the lifeboats! Ships sinking!

Jasper's attack where he knocks two enemies' heads together and they usually die? It works like that with relationships too. :)

Monday 1 April 2019

The Vampyre

Today is the 200 year anniversary of the publication of the first vampire in fiction  #Polidori's 'The Vampyre' 1819.