Saturday 11 December 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 11: Flashbacks!

Didi realizes when she is when she sees her hair. "Ohhhh no." This was her bleached bob summer.

She takes a moment to remember how her seven years ago phone works as she gets a call.

"Hello suspiciously timed unknown number..."
"It's Simon."
"Oh, good. That explains that. Where are you?"
"Why does that not surprise me."
"Why, where are you?"
"Some guy's place."
"Why does that not surprise me."
"So anyway do you know why we're us seven years ago?"
"The Mage didn't calculate on us saving everybody."
"Are we just stuck here now?"
"The charge should dissipate. But in the meantime, Cara is in the Bay as well, so you should find her, safety in numbers."
"Okay, um, makes sense. Hey, can I change my hair or would that break spacetime as well?"


Didi gets a ride to Berkley and is waiting when Cara gets back from the track meet. She gives her a hug.

"So good to see you. Simon called and said you were gonna come meet me."
"And here I am."
"I like your hair."
"No you don't. Or I hope you don't anyway."
"Okay, well... I'm a freshman, I haven't Awakened yet - "
"Oh, me neither. There's a really bad party next Halloween."
"I'll be fighting a ghoul in a couple months. In the meantime, we should keep a low profile for the week this takes. Which means you can stay at my place if you want, and tomorrow, I should, ah, go to the game..."
"Ladies' basketball? Field hockey?... Oh my gosh, was this when you were a cheerleader?!"

Cara sighs as Didi squees.


Alissa is also not far away, up the coast. And currently in a dance class, and then heading home, with high school on Monday.

Michael is in Canada.

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