Thursday 31 December 2015

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

So I had seven things to go to for Halloween and one for New Year's. What does this say about me and my circle of friends? Hmm...

Friday 25 December 2015

Thursday 17 December 2015

Star Wars

New Star Wars makes me want to run or play Star Wars. (Not with the new system with the funny dice though. Ew.)

Wednesday 16 December 2015

We Are Wish You A Merry Christmas

We Are The Night session 11...

A day early because of something happening.

Michael burst in and seized the vampire, fighting and forcing him out.

"Why are you doing this?"

The vampire vanished, laughing.

Michael called Laura to watch the room.

Talbot denied all knowledge of this vampire. Was he telling the truth?

Still at court, Laura was approached by one of her clan, a Crone witch.

"The girl does not know what she knows..."

Thursday 10 December 2015

We Are Young, No One Can Tell Us We're Wrong

We Are The Night session 10...

Michael and Laura cornered the man. Laura turned on the charm and he told them he's been working for Mr. Talbot to find out more about a murder. He didn't seem to know about vampires. Laura sent him on his way. Michael looked at her questioningly.

"Better not harm him. I would like to know what Talbot wants with her, though..."

Mary got up before dawn, waited till the sun is well up before going back to her room to get ready for her day.

She didn't spot the man watching her.

As night fell, Laura came to her room and told her what had happened.

"Why would your prince be so interested in me?"
"I have one idea. You're not going to like it..."
"Tell me."
"Your grandfather had enemies, maybe more than he knew. Now they're ours. I don't know if he's with them or against them, but right now he wants to know what you're doing."
"But, why would vampires care about me?"
"Maybe to spite Simon, or his line. Or maybe you have something, or know something, they want?"
"I don't. I don't!"

Laura left in silence.

And at night another vampire came a calling...

Wednesday 2 December 2015

We Are There For You (When The Rain Starts To Pour...)

We Are The Night session 9...

Jo called the police.

Michael crept close to scent the air, then withdrew, not feeling like answering those kinds of questions.

The police probably weren't as helpful as they might have been if Mary didn't have to lie about her grandfather being murdered, what with him having been officially dead for decades.

Mary stayed with Jo. Steve slept on the couch. Michael and Laura watched from across the street.

"What we can do for her is find the man following her." With that, Laura left. After a moment, Michael followed.

They had little trouble finding him. Answering to the Prince.

(And there was some discussion of shipping Mary and Jo, as the only character who isn't totally into her.)