Thursday 10 March 2016

We Are The Danger

We Are The Night session 15...

With help from the witch, Michael found a group of vampires conspiring to kill Mary. They wanted to know who killed Simon as well.

"What that girl knows could burn this city down."

He and Laura stopped them forcibly, although one of the three escaped.

"Whatever it is, we're better off not knowing. And she'll never be safe here."


They returned to look in on here, found the vampire who had escaped approaching, taking out a gun.

Laura covered Mary, bullets cutting into her back. Mary pulled her back in. Michael ran past, slamming into the shooter. He ran and he chased after him.

Mary moved Laura inside, put her down on the bed... took off her plaster off her cut and offered her arm.

Laura managed to stop herself, told her to let some blood into a glass and put a new plaster on - and lock the door.

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