Thursday 16 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 12: (noisy guitar solo)

The vampires rally as a fourth hauls itself out of the sand under the beach house, dessicated like a mummy and shrieking.

Hall takes one look at it and calls over to Billy. Everybody scatters and Billy drives the car through the wall and slams into it before it can fully get out.

This doesn't kill it, but does break its pelvis and both its legs. So it's still clawing its way up the hood of the car, clawed hands making holes in the metal. Billy aims the car at a lamppost and bails out. This is enough to break the vampire's back, and set the engine on fire. It's the 70s, everything makes cars explode.

The group gun down two of the other vampires, but one escapes in the confusion as a police helicopter starts to fly overhead.

"So, what have we learned?" Veronica asks as Hall loads a bloodied and torpor-bound vampire into the boot of another car.

(Who would have played the buried vampire in the 70s? Nowadays it would be Doug Jones.)

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