Wednesday 27 September 2017

V20: The Forgotten

Vampire: The Masquerade
The Forgotten

New game, some new players, which means a pretty broad "deal with creepy old vampire court, investigate weird stuff, maybe go anarch" theme.

Chargen pretty much done. Basically street level neonates - managed to outstare the Tremere 8th generation ancilla CEO guy.

Dragging a couple friends along. Which means we might have a mortal PC - though we're also doing a two-player Requiem side game focusing on a vampire and human relationship.

Need names and pictures for some vampires, special guest wraith and mage, some actual people. Catchy name for a club. That kinda thing.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Star Trek Adventures

After one session I don't hate the new Star Trek RPG. Although it could do with losing one or more of the several steps to see what goes into or comes out of a dice roll.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Monday 4 September 2017

What Game Shall We Play...?

No, seriously, I don't know what to run.

I always have Vampire ideas, maybe recycle this summer's. Could do Star Wars, I guess. Or...

Admittedly, the Demon: The Fallen idea starring Taylor Swift is kind of tempting. :D

Probably not enough of a joke to sustain an ongoing game, though.