Wednesday 14 February 2018

The Forgotten: Fifteen

Vampires and their human and ghoul supporters on both sides, and the coterie stuck in the middle.

Jones grabs a manhole, wrenches it out, and gestures for the others to get in.

Heading into the storm drains cuts off their pursuers - but the sudden rush of rats giving chase suggests someone using Animalism to get them out of the way. David puts himself between them and Jessica, and Mia joins him. She takes his hand as they run.

They run on through the dark.

"Where are we going?" Jessica asks, stopping to draw a breath, aware that none of the others need to.
"We have to get you safe," David says.
"Is anywhere safe?" she replies.

Up ahead, Jones hears movement. He sniffs the air, and a red glow burns in his pupils.

"Running from an attack on our prince. Disloyal." Carlin shakes his head. "Like your sire."

Samuel tenses defensively.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a telling off. Run all you like."
"You're in on it."
"They needed someone to help bring them in."
"And my sire?"
"Please. Your sire killed you, made you this."

Samuel lunges at him.

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