Sunday 26 May 2019


We may have gone along to make sure the date went well.

And get dressed up, and maybe meet some fancy vampires.

Cara, less sold.

Saturday 25 May 2019

What We Do In The Shadows

The LARP jokes in the What We Do In The Shadows series might as well be waving to the camera and saying "yes, we know!"

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Summer Games!

Summer games! Summer games! Nearly time for Summer games!

Not that I have any ideas or anything...

Obviously I have loads of ideas, but could I get players for them?

World Of Darkness: Haunted Ballet School. One of these days.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Hello, salty goodness.

David Boreanaz is 50. Maybe not as weird as Andrew Eldritch being 60, but...

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Bloodlines 2 clan guessing

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is to have five clans at launch, not the full Camarilla seven.

After the Brujah and Tremere, to hide the gaps as Brujah starts the alphabet and keep us guessing, we now have the Toreador confirmed.

So far I'm on track for my guess of Brujah, Toreador and Ventrue, the three "normal modern vampire" clans, and then probably the Gangrel as the "classic" and Tremere as the fifth as a popular playstyle, with Malkavians and Nosferatu left out as, while popular, they'd be the most work.

Although I may be wrong - Thinbloods already have "bat swarm" and "mist form" powers which step on Animalism and Protean, and the Ventrue might not want to adopt.

But as you start as a Thinblood and join a clan of your choice later, would you choose the clans most defined by their weaknesses?

(Though as Jae notes, V5 has balanced weaknesses a lot more than previous editions, but B1 fans will know them by the old playstyle-affecting versions.)

Also, "Natalie Portman as David Bowie" is a look.

Andrew Eldritch is 60

Andrew Eldritch is 60. Does not compute.

Hey now, hey now now...

Sunday 12 May 2019

Monday 6 May 2019

Didi goes clubbing

Jack the Ecstatic tried to impress us with his magic backstage pass when we snuck into a club to search for a demon.

"Oh honey, the security guy was a GUY."