Wednesday 4 December 2019

Red Sands: Eleven

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Eleven

Elizabeth makes polite inquiries about each of them, and makes sure to introduce them to other local Kindred - and also to mortals that they might find useful, as a way of showing her useful contacts and the like.

One of the local Toreador knows Jamie by reputation, and his mask of polite disinterest slips for a moment.

Jacob is introduced to the court just like the vampires, though given a chance to talk to some of the clearly in-the-know mortals and perhaps ghouls as well.

Baptiste keeps an eye on all of this.

Jamie goes out for a "smoke break", and sees another vampire watching in the coffee shop across the street.

A band plays, and Simon asks Louise to dance. "Since we got all dressed up."

She smiles bashfully and takes his hand. Elizabeth and Baptiste observe. She doesn't really notice.

But on the way back out, Jamie casually mentions that the watching vampire is following them, and so are four more.

"Isn't this what these kind of parties are supposed to prevent?" Louise growls.
"I imagine they're here to prevent these kind of parties."

The five wait for them to reach the parking lot before dropping down to surround them. All of their eyes gleam reddish in the dark.

"So. Learn anything from the queen with no crown?" the leader asks, baring his teeth.

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