Wednesday 15 January 2020

Red Sands: Thirteen

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Thirteen

The next day, Jacob looks the scrapyard over in sunlight, and an unfriendly middle-aged man makes sure he knows about him and his equally unfriendly dog. Which could be normal for a scrapyard but he suspects it's more than that.

That night, Louise is up and ready before Jamie can give her any fashion advice.

Jamie's nail polish is immaculate, of course. "It can be very useful to look frivolous."

The man and the dog are there, with some others who might be ghouls or actual mortals. And there are a few clearly distinguished groups - coteries, maybe gangs - of vampires. The nomads nod politely, the gang that invited them smirk and their leader says he's glad they came, but nobody else seems to agree.

They don't take long to get to asking the coterie about Elizabeth and friends, what they offered and claimed they could offer. Simon is upfront about it, even as one of the gang leaders circles around like he's pacing out the fighting pit. But he manages to finish with nobody tackling him.

Instead, one group starts in on another.

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