Saturday 31 October 2020

VTMtober answers

 Doing the writing version: 

1: Your OC
Tanith, Brujah art history student and super Goth, even before her stormy romantic existence as a player character.

2: Brujah
I started with a Brujah (though she would have fitted the Toreador better) and cycle around to these clans a lot. And yes, she owned a leather jacket.

3: Haven
Vampires can have beautiful havens, but on some level it always has to be a dark, enclosed space.

4: Lasombra
The Lasombra and Tzimisces were the last clans to be written up, and their weaknesses are both "and we don't have vampires who do this yet..."

5: Sire and Childe
Vampire player characters who get on with their sires, and whose sires are still around, seem like a notable minority, like player characters' parents in a lot of games.

6: Nosferatu
I've seen very few Nosferatu player characters at the tabletop, because it's a hard type to play. I feel like they're more popular in LARP, where the monster makeup is part of the appeal.

7: Elysium
Grand courts, tense meetings, parties, Elysium is a place where vampires can be themselves, so it's a major location for games and the main setting for many LARPs. It can encourage games where only vampires really appear. A little Elysium goes a long way.

8: Hecata
An update and widening of the Giovanni and related bloodlines. My favourite independent clan mostly because of their officially neutral stance in vampire politics, all the vicious business style of the Ventrue without the baggage of being Princes and the like. I've also had a lot of fun playing them scuzzy, creepy or grand. (And a super-Gothy Cappadocian in historical settings too.)

9: Thin-Blood
I'd like a chance to play one. They can add a lot to the setting.

10: Banu Haqim
They've developed from a niche that really didn't need its own clan into a really interesting part of the setting.

11: The Kiss
I thought the notes on how to talk about blood in the Enlightenment In Blood LARP players' guide were a good way to keep it in focus without needing people to play the victims. Foodie style, enthusing about some flavours.

12: Tremere
The Tremere are usually insular in games unless somebody is playing one. V5 cuts down on this with more rogue Tremere options, but keeps some of the pyramid in place.

13: Ghoul
Ghouls add to the setting, and can make an interesting play option, if more limited than mortals. The addiction metaphor is even closer than with vampires.

14: Malkavian
I've seen a few great Malkavian characters, most of them the result of players' interest in mental health representation.

15: Embrace
Embracing another damns you, not them.

16: Ministry
The former Followers Of Set have been broadened a lot, as well as now no longer being the only clan without a one-word name.

17: Blood Sorcery
I think it got out of hand, but gamers love spell lists.

18: Gangrel
I've never played one, but this isn't intentional, I just haven't. My Gangrel SPCs tend to be brooding loners even by vampire standards, so I may be avoiding playing a loner with a group.

19: Anarch Hideout
I like to contrast the borrowed grandeur of Elysium surrounded by great mortal art with the out-of-the-way meetings of Anarchs. Modern ruins seem to fit the theme.

20: Hunger
The new Hunger rules are my favourite part of V5. It's unpredictable, a nagging problem... and you can sate it if you kill someone.

21: Presence
Presence is a reminder that vampires are horrible. And not the only one...

22: Ventrue
I've never played a Ventrue in VTM because I've never liked their weakness or come up with a good example I wanted to play. So they end up being NPCs, and usually Prince and the like. I've seen them played well though.

True Faith
Putting vampires' morality in perspective, can you be good if you are repelled by a symbol of goodness? And is it proof that there is a higher power? Is it better not to know?

24: Frenzy
The greatest threats to the Kindred come from within. Frenzy isn't the most subtle, but the worry about it can be.

25: Auspex
Both a way to show vampires' uncanny senses, and a short cut in mystery plots.

26: Toreador
Dismiss them in character at your peril, dismiss them out of character and you probably don't want to join my game.

27: Golconda
A goal that if ever achieved makes your character difficult to play in a regular game. Seriously pursuing Golconda pulls you away from normal game concerns as well. I played a character who wanted to but kept being pulled back by emotional connections.

J: Claudia was such a bad influence
Me: It was suitably tragic. :)
J: We survived, it was a happyish ending.

28: Prince
A reasonable Prince is a sign that the Storyteller is expecting a Camarilla game.

29: Animalism
I've seen clever things done with Animalism, though I've never had a character with it myself. I think Werewolf more than Vampire when I think along those lines.

30: Final Death
A rare thing in most tabletop games, a ridiculously common thing in LARP and chat and other games with PVP. If the World Of Darkness MMO had happened I probably would have stuck around the planned no-combat areas...

31: You As A Vampire
Well, I have the wardrobe for it. But I don't think I'd last very long.

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