Sunday 31 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 5

Vampire: The Masquerade

Elisa suspects that even with the Shroud at its thinnest around Halloween it's still rare for vampires to return as ghosts, but the group can at least look over the scene.

Charlotte is busy arranging a spooky season show on the phone as they head over.

Joe is sure he can smell something that isn't human and isn't Kindred.


Halloween comes around. Charlotte is promoting a gig by a band with a vampire lead singer and guitarist, planning to go to Elysium on the night, and wearing a lot of red. Joe is attending. Barnes there to keep things going okay. Samuel there at a distance. Elisa is busy with her own things, but comes along for the start of the set.

And they're not the only vampires around.

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