Saturday 20 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 8: Disappointing Time Travel!

Our heroes and Didi work their way through the building to find the center, where a powerful and rather damaged mage is trying to turn back time to save the love of his life from dying in an accident.

"Okay, I feel bad for him, but hello Paradox..." Alissa says.
"If we try to fight him, is he gonna throw us back in time?" asks Didi, influenced by how much her player would dig that.
"Maybe if you ask him nicely..." Simon deadpans.
"Yeah, we don't all want to be stuck wearing corsets on the regular," Cara adds. Didi looks baffled.
The mage turns to greet them. "We won't take it that far. The day I need your help will be enough."

Everything goes Doppler effect. and...

"Where are we? Or when..." Cara groans.
"Seven years ago," Alissa confirms.
"Could be a lot worse, but we still better work the problem and get back."
"Can we at least go to a Bowie concert first?" Didi asks.

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