Saturday 27 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 9: Taxis!

Alissa finds a newspaper to show the group the date. Cara was at a college track meet that day seven years ago so her past self is safely out of town. Simon hadn't moved here. Didi shrugs and says "It's Saturday, I'm sleeping at... somebody's."

They have to hail a taxi rather than get a rideshare by app.

"Okay, while we're here, we should use our foreknowledge of the next seven years to... um... wow, I really haven't done much in seven years." Didi frowns. "I mean, we could stop that demon cult guy from last year..."

They find the time mage at his house.
"I've been waiting for you."
"Of course you have," Cara deadpans.
Didi arches an eyebrow. "Really? You're a time wizard, how could you not - "
"What matters is that you can help me save a life."
"And change history to who knows what effect..." Simon points out.
"Of course. But let me worry about that."
"I really can't."
"It's true, if there's something to worry about he's gonna jump right on that," Didi nods.

The mage sighs, raises a hand, and they're across town... where a car accident is about to kill his beloved, and a dozen other people...

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