Friday 22 April 2022

New Bremen at 22


Really wish they'd start a V5 version

The liability of hosting a chat makes NB likely a relic of a bygone time

which blows ass

Conrad Hubbard:
I think you need two things to create a New Bremen:
1. A group of people willing to work on it. This happened last time because me and a bunch of Storytellers put crazy amounts of time into it.
2. A critical mass of players. I think this happened last time by it being on the White Wolf website. If a company didn't want to host it, they would at least have to give an unofficial chat a prominent link.
Being on the White Wolf website gave it that air of authenticity, and that definitely drew players. There are a ton of small and medium size Discord servers running, sure a lot of them aren't great, but the desire and ST's are out there. sorta.

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