Thursday 30 April 2015

Walking Down

Tonight in Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! found another lead back to the demon leader's final plan, and then had to escape from some corrupt cops working for Elina's vampire syndicate. So now Doyle wants to wipe them all out.

"Hey, I'm only going to shoot to wound the cops. Put them in hospital while I kill the demons."

So that could get messy.

Friday 24 April 2015


I've seen Avengers: Age Of Ultron already! Hooray for inexplicable regional release dates!

Thursday 23 April 2015

Walking In Bloody Puddles

My 100th post!

And in Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! attempt to exorcise a vampire with hilarious consequences. And by hilarious, I mean horrific.

Kendrick trapped one of Elina's goons and Dr. Connelly thought it would be worth trying. Fortunately the vampire was restrained at the time as he went directly into frenzy with no sign that he might ever come out again, so they were able to escape and lock him in the old warehouse until Doyle could come and throw Molotov cocktails at him.

Amelia the nice vampire who was kind of hoping this might be a cure for vampirism didn't exactly take this news very well. So that was unfortunate.

Kendrick added "get Connelly to kill Elina and/or kill Connelly" to his to-do list.

(Sure, the vampire could have just dropped into torpor but that wouldn't be much fun... and if the exorcism had really worked he'd probably have turned to dust, but that would be too useful...)

At least Amanda can see again. And she and Mike are totally a thing.

Which makes Sarah and Jim doubly awkward.

Monday 20 April 2015

Star Wars; Session VI: Return Of The Funny Dice Complaints

Just about used to the original funny dice now, but a fight with one bounty hunter and four security droids still took two hours and left half of us unconscious. That seems... a bit much.

Also we now have Destiny points - random amounts of good luck that we and the GM get, generated by another kind of funny dice which serve no other purpose. That seems... a bit much.

I'm thinking this is not my Star Wars game.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Walking The Dead

Tonight in Walking Alone, vampires rudely interrupt a non-Vampire game. 

Amelia the high-Humanity vampire who wants to stop Kendrick vs. Kendrick the shifty vampire ally of convenience vs. Elina the vampire smuggler who wants them both dead.

Because the Puny Mortals! didn't have enough problems with the demonic cult trying to kill the whole city.

And Sarah sussed out that Jim sided with Amelia because he doesn't like Kendrick. To be fair, Kendrick is giving serious thought to turning Sarah into his vampire bride. Which might put a guy off a guy even if he wasn't into Sarah as well.

But they're working together for the moment. See how long that lasts...

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Dark Days

The World Of Darkness MMO shut down a year ago. Still kind of hoping for further news. (And making weak jokes and throwing out the odd plot hook on Twitter.) In the meantime, yay Onyx Path for new books and support for analog RPGs!

Monday 13 April 2015

Star Wars: Session V: Strikes Back At The Empire

It took five sessions, but our Star Wars game got to the point of shooting some Stormtroopers.

They're a bit tougher in this version. One of us actually got shot in return.

And that fight with six Stormtroopers took up pretty much the entire session. We're not getting a lot faster with the peering at little abstract symbols on dice.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Walking Past The Graveyard

More trouble with vampires for our Puny Mortals! in Walking Alone as Kendrick calls in their marker to try and eliminate some rivals - a slick Invictus organized crime group - and the not-so-evil vampire who approached Connelly to warn him about Kendrick tries to intervene, and he listens to her backed by Jim for possibly personal reasons.

So now the kinda-evil vampire who has been on their side might have finally betrayed them. Or might not. We'll see...

Play politics with vampires. That's always a good idea.

Monday 6 April 2015


Yeah, terrible aquatic things in enclosed spaces and the chance to blow everything up to save the day and die in the process.

People play one-shots a bit differently. My regular Puny Mortals! are pretty self-sacrificing, but it takes a one-shot adventure (or a final session) for everybody to agree to blow up the oil rig they're on to save the day.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Walking Hand In Hand

This week in Walking Alone, Jim finally kissed Sarah.

Also there were monsters and stuff.

Yeah, nothing like a little vampire-induced jealousy to finally get a boy to admit his feelings.

Anyway, powerful creepy psychic sorcerer guy was able to revive the comatose possession victims. They had no memory of their time under remote control, but you can't have everything. At least they could remember bits and pieces about the location of the demon's lair.

Not long now before horror and pain the exciting conclusion!