Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nightclubbing: 2: We're What's Happening

They ask around, by night and by day, getting a picture of the girl's last known movements. Her name is... or was... Cindy.

"She came to Hollywood to be famous. Of course." Veronica glowers.

She wasn't streetwalking or doing drugs. In fact, all four runaways to disappear so far have been clean.

Hall suggests keeping watch on the bus station. See if somebody goes straight to the source.

There's a vampire there, sure enough, but he claims he's not involved and the way he folds under questioning suggests he isn't lying.

"So whoever's doing this wants them desperate."

Next port of call is the shelters. Karen doesn't want to go in, too many crosses and people trying to be helpful.

"Do crosses really bother you guys?" Billy asks.
"They bother me."

Nobody that will talk to Hall has heard anything. But Veronica can sense that someone who wouldn't talk to him has...


Yeah, 70s L.A. is skeevy and horrible. We'll have some glamour to contrast with the grime next session, possibly.

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