Thursday 27 October 2016

Dead In The Water

I've been fake running a fake adventure in my fake World Of Darkness fake MMO fake Twitter account for fake Halloween for the past couple of real weeks.

It's about a supposedly haunted sightseeing cruise which is of course totally haunted.

A ship is a great setting for a horror one-shot, as a contained location that you can't easily leave, isolated from the outside world, unfamiliar, full of strangers and commanded by strangers, and prone to lurching around unexpectedly while you're trying to move and sinking when something goes wrong.

A ship is like a hotel that you can't walk out of. It's like a plane except without the risk of falling out of the sky... but to balance that out, it can be a lot bigger and easier to get lost in, and you can be on one for weeks.

There are ship-based adventures for Call Of Cthulhu, Ravenloft (the second in the series when it became a full setting) and more. The Ferrymen are a vital part of Wraith: The Oblivion, and there's Blood-Dimmed Tides as well, and MES held L.A. By Night 2013 on the Queen Mary.

If you're on a ship in an RPG and it doesn't just get you from A to B, expect either pirates or something creepy. Maybe both.

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