Wednesday 16 November 2016

Nightclubbing: 5: Oh, Isn't It Wild?

The ratty-haired hippy vampire decides that three against one isn't good odds. (Billy isn't counted.) He picks up the dealer and throws him at Hall, who bats him aside. He then starts running, taking out a revolver and firing behind him to stop them chasing him.

Karen goes racing off after the vampire, all growls under his breath and goes after her.

Veronica confirms that the dealer's still alive, and offers him the chance to stay that way.

"He needs healthy blood with heroin in it - says it's for juicing. I don't ask questions!"
"Well, let me ask you a few questions."

Karen drops on the vampire from a fire escape as he gets to his car.

Hall appears from out of nowhere and picks him up by the neck.

"Hey man, this is a free city. No man, no God, no Prince. Least this way they die high, right?"

Hall considers this, and breaks the vampire's neck.

"He has customers. Maybe a boss. And he's right. There's nobody above us to stop this."
"So we stop this."

The dealer is very cooperative, between Veronica's smile and Billy's crowbar.

The group find Cindy where he said she was, alive.

Veronica has enough Auspex to get an impression of the vampire's haven and where it is from the body. Maybe there will be a clue there.

Karen puts Cindy on the bus back home.

"You should go home too."
"Too late for that."

And on her way back from the bus station, she sees her sire waiting for her...


Karen provides an actual moral center for the group. Hall resents what he is and is happy to put it to some kind of good use, Veronica would rather be partying but can be guilted into action, Billy figures a "good" vampire is less trouble than most of them will be.

Next week, a new plot! Possibly two, actually.

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