Thursday 3 November 2016

Nightclubbing: 4: We See People, Brand New People

They're something to see...

Veronica, Hall and Billy all go to assorted contacts.

Veronica knows a Beverley Hills vampire, a fellow Toreador who supplies drugs to the very best parties. She insists that she takes care who she buys from and sells to, but can point her clanmate to some less 'ethical' dealers.

Hall talks to the night shift coroner. She knows about vampires, and has a fee for cover-ups, cold blood, and information. He pays for the information, and the cover-up as well.

Billy confirms a couple of the likely names, then narrows the leads down further by getting into searching the most likely suspect's car.

And they track him, and find him meeting a vampire. One none of them know.

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