Thursday 23 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 13: (sirens)

Hall takes the captured vampire to his sire to see if she can get anything useful out of him. Billy rides halfway with him, but declines to go to the meeting and gets out downtown.

Veronica heads back to shower and then goes hunting.

Karen watches the dead vampire burn for a moment before leaving.

The press blame the whole thing on gangs on PCP.

Billy looks over the haul of untraceable guns and money, and figures he can use it to contact the dealers and see if the surviving vampires are back in contact. He also figures he better not try that on his own.

After feeding on a swinging couple from the Valley, Veronica calls The Guy and arranges to meet him, with her sire close enough to observe.

Billy arranges a meet, with Hall as his 'driver' and Karen as a strung-out runaway to test the quality of drugs.

No vampires turn up. Still, the dealers do try to rob them.

And Hall's sire delivers a name. One of the biggest human gang bosses on the West Coast.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 12: (noisy guitar solo)

The vampires rally as a fourth hauls itself out of the sand under the beach house, dessicated like a mummy and shrieking.

Hall takes one look at it and calls over to Billy. Everybody scatters and Billy drives the car through the wall and slams into it before it can fully get out.

This doesn't kill it, but does break its pelvis and both its legs. So it's still clawing its way up the hood of the car, clawed hands making holes in the metal. Billy aims the car at a lamppost and bails out. This is enough to break the vampire's back, and set the engine on fire. It's the 70s, everything makes cars explode.

The group gun down two of the other vampires, but one escapes in the confusion as a police helicopter starts to fly overhead.

"So, what have we learned?" Veronica asks as Hall loads a bloodied and torpor-bound vampire into the boot of another car.

(Who would have played the buried vampire in the 70s? Nowadays it would be Doug Jones.)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

College is weird enough...

Coexisting With The Fair Folk Who Have Taken Up Residence In/Around/Beneath Your University: A How-To Guide
Want to give a loved one your heart? The Followers of Set can make that happen!

Thursday 9 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 11: Oh, Isn't It Wild?

Having tracked down the creepy Masquerade-flaunting vampire snake cultists, the group decide to call everyone.

With no central authority in the city, the group have to bring their own backup. Constance has a vested interest here, and Edie is prepared to send some security. Billy knows some people who can make sure there are no getaway vehicles available...

A surprise attack is always the best approach in Vampire.

Of course, the cult vampires have some surprises of their own...

The first is that they're not Setites. They're creepy snake-blood-drinking vampire cultists... something like Sabbat maybe. They hit hard and fast like Brujah. And they have guns.

Billy's friends stop a carful of reinforcements.

Then something bursts up out of the floor...

Thursday 2 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 10: Bright White Clubbing

Based on the vision of three vampires with a shaky grasp of the Masquerade ritually sacrificing a rattlesnake, the group consider their options. Setting everything on fire seems popular. In the end, Hall takes the stash of guns and Karen takes several of the books, making the robbery look nice and obvious.


Karen's sire Constance thanks her for retrieving the book. It's a diary, written in a language none of the group recognized.

"So who are these guys?" Karen asks.
"I know what they sound like..." She goes to make some calls.


Billy keeps the car idling as Veronica visits a head shop with an 'occult' section that she saw a price tag for on one of the books. The hippy behind the counter talks as soon as she turns on the Dread Gaze. Creepy-looking people cleared out his rare collection, paid in cash.


Karen's squatter friends report something odd, some of the older homeless going missing.


And Veronica has a call from The Guy.


My games tend to go investigative, so I'm purposely keeping this mystery pretty simple.