Sunday 6 August 2017

World Of Darkness dot com and Storytellers Vault

World Of Darkness dot com is on its way in August - an online service for groups running games, like D&D Beyond.

The nostalgic in me wants it to include a moderated chat game, but hey. :D

Also coming soon, Storytellers Vault, like the DMs' Guild for the Storyteller System, starting with the existing editions of Vampire: The Masquerade (see the style guide PDF emphasizing the differences, which makes me want to play a first edition game) and moving on from there. "This is the perfect time to pull out your old notes on that unique Bloodline you created or to write up your own chronicle as a By Night. You provide the ideas - we provide the tools." Other games, LARP and historical setting templates to follow.

I will spare the world my unique Bloodline.


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