Wednesday 4 October 2017

The Forgotten Ones

Vampire: The Masquerade - The Forgotten

Chapter One

The city of Lawrence. Held by the Camarilla for decades, but that may be about to change.

David Harper. Brujah, history student turned by a 60s activist anarch who has since left the city.

Jessica Harper. Human. David's sister. She knows what he is, just enough to know to keep quiet, and to worry.

Jones. Gangrel, moody loner, abandoned by his sire years ago.

Mia Courtland. Toreador, clubber and neglected childe of a harpy.

Samuel Marks. Tremere, researcher turned outcast after his sire's suspicious death.

The Harpers know Mia and to a lesser extent Samuel. Nobody really knows Jones.


Younger and less welcome vampires in the city tend to stop by in a Rack club called the Vault. It's dark, crowded, noisy, and full of sickly-looking people wearing a lot of black.

Mia lures a Blood Doll to a secluded spot. David tries to keep Jessica from noticing. Samuel tries to make light of the situation. Jones broods in another corner.

Tonight there's another coterie there, an anarch gang known for being all talk. But instead of getting boastful when David and Mia get closer, they get quiet and cagey.

Since the Vault is part of the Rack and nobody wants a mess, Mia agrees to keep an eye on them while David sees Jessica safe home. But they haven't made it out before the gang leader, Lake, gets in their way.

"You know the rule. We're your kin now."

The rest of the gang surround them...

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