Thursday 7 December 2017

The Forgotten: Ten

"Who did this?" David asks.
"Haven't seen them before. I'd guess Barrett's people. But could be someone else."
"You seem pretty casual about this..." Jessica says.
"They were a means to an end, that's all." There's a hint of anger in Grey's voice. "And I made sure Danni's looked after."

Jones stalks off into the dark, determined to find the stranger.

David and Jessica go to see their mother.

Samuel goes to see Carlin.

Mia, reluctantly, heads to Elysium. Partially to make sure it hasn't been attacked as well.


Jones finds her, not far from the university. She's not alone.

Three other vampires move to surround him as he strides towards her.

"Did you kill Lake?"
"Might have. Problem?"

He looks at her and the others, and shrugs slightly.

"Not really, personally, but my friends might have one."

The first vampire charges, and Jones grabs him, uses his momentum against him, slams him face-first into a wall.


Julia can tell her children are nervous about something.

"It's just, ah, roommate troubles," David assures her. She takes that to be code for girlfriend troubles. Jessica doesn't quite suppress a smile as this idea.


Carlin meets Samuel at the city's central train station.

"A friend from Lewiston told me my sire was murdered, and Barrett let it slide."
"How interesting. What would lead your friend to suggest that?"
"I would guess he wants to cause trouble. But he might also be telling the truth."
"So, how to know one way or the other..."

He leads the way to the house Samuel's sire died in...


Mia sees her sire, Elena, at the gallery.

"I hear you and your little Brujah friend have been busy."
"... We've been looking into something. With some others."
"Hm, well, I saw the way you danced with him."
"... Uh, anyway, did you hear about the attack on the Vault?"
"Yes, terrible... who do you think it was?"
"I know someone suspects the Prince."
"Of course they do. But what does he gain from that?"


Jones dodges a swing from the second new vampire and elbows her in the face, knocking her to the ground and kicking her head down onto the tarmac.

The stranger smiles coldly as the third new vampire circles Jones warily.

"You think you can beat us all?"
"I think if I beat you that's what matters."
"That would make a point, but there are always more of us."
"Who are you?"
"Barrett's only been Prince a few decades. And he didn't wipe out everyone he had to when he took power."

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