Sunday 10 December 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Five

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Five: In these dangerous days


Sarah huddled in her coat as Daniel walked her home, aware of the cold. And aware of how he didn't seem bothered by it.

"So, uh, is there a big society of... you?"
"Not that big. I guess we're pretty solitary." He paused. "And territorial."

Matthew, the rival vampire stepped out.

"Let's not do this," Daniel said.
"Why not? You have your supply. And oh, she smells sweet."
"She's standing right here," Sarah said defiantly.
"And fiery as well." The vampire chuckled, his gaze resting on Sarah's neck.
"Back off," Daniel advised him.
"Why? Do you think you can take me?"
"I think we'll make enough noise to get official attention either way."

Matthew glowered.

"Well. It was a pleasure to meet you properly, Miss." He turned to go, exposing his back to them like he thought they were no threat.

"Are you just gonna let him go? He tried to kill that girl."
"No. I'm not. But let's get you home first."
"I... I can help."
"He's dangerous."
"I'm betting he still won't like pepper spray or a kick in the balls."
"I'll see what... she has to say."
"It didn't sound like she was really interested in helping."
"No. But... now he's just come out in the open to threaten you... us..."

They reached her apartment and she let herself in.

"Come in."
"I should, ah, make sure he's not waiting nearby."

She considered this, nodded, and then quickly moved to press her lips to his.


She went to the cafe just before dark the next evening, waiting to see if he'd come.

He arrived about an hour after sunset.

"We should talk about... last night."

She put her hand on the table, palm up. He considered for a moment, and took it.

"I'm not sure I can... but I want to."

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