Wednesday 19 February 2020

Red Sands: Eighteen

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Eighteen

Jacob is out the next day, meeting a blood seller, a hospital orderly who can get blood past its use date.

"Whole blood costs extra. That's what your guys want, right?"
"You're already throwing it away."
"But you don't know when or where..."

That night, Louise goes to check out the chop shop. Jamie suggests to Simon that he should go with her. "Just in case."

Jamie and Jacob go to see the gang planning on occupying the beach once the nomads leave. "So the Tower don't get any ideas..."

Jacob checks in with their ghouls, who look pretty shaky. Withdrawal. "This is good hunting. That trickles down..." one of them explains. But he still thinks this gang's keeping them hungrier than they have to. On the drive back, he mentions this to Jamie. She nods, figuring she'll tell the others. Because if she doesn't, Jacob will and she'll look secretive.

Louise makes contact with the car thieves. Simon waits outside. And sees a couple of anarchs from a different gang heading their way...

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