Wednesday 5 February 2020

Red Sands: Sixteen

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Sixteen

Louise approaches the mortal carefully, not wanting to spook him any more than he already is. He spots her getting closer, recognizes her, and makes a break for it, into the crowd.

The Camarilla vampire circles around the perimeter, watching Louise and smirking.

Simon and Jacob catch him.

"What did you do?" Simon asks accusingly.
"It was broken when I got here." The vampire shrugs and grins.

Louise gets to the mortal.

"You're - "
"And now you know, what do you think I'm going to do?"
"No no, I won't tell anybody, I swear to God!"

She lashes out and grabs his wallet, finding his I.D. She hands it back with a mirthless smile.

Jamie observes where the mortal can't see her, following him out discreetly. She watches him for the rest of the night.

The Camarilla vampire strolls out, not a care in the world.

Simon makes sure to point him out to the anarchs. "We'll see he doesn't come in next time."
"That's all you can do?" Simon asks, appalled.
"For now..."

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