Sunday 31 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 5

Vampire: The Masquerade

Elisa suspects that even with the Shroud at its thinnest around Halloween it's still rare for vampires to return as ghosts, but the group can at least look over the scene.

Charlotte is busy arranging a spooky season show on the phone as they head over.

Joe is sure he can smell something that isn't human and isn't Kindred.


Halloween comes around. Charlotte is promoting a gig by a band with a vampire lead singer and guitarist, planning to go to Elysium on the night, and wearing a lot of red. Joe is attending. Barnes there to keep things going okay. Samuel there at a distance. Elisa is busy with her own things, but comes along for the start of the set.

And they're not the only vampires around.

Vamptober 2021

My personal Vamptober 2021 results, mostly ST / player observations.

Happy Halloween!

I love you, Trick Of Treat Rat!

Saturday 30 October 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 5: Inappropriate Helping!

It being the session nearest Halloween in and out of character, I'm not saying Didi showed up to the meeting with the rival mages in a naughty schoolgirl costume, but she may have given the group a distraction bonus.

Sadly she could not persuade Cara to do the same.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 4

Vampire: The Masquerade

As the last Kindred to see Blake, the Sheriff tells Charlotte and Barnes to see the Prince. He's already contacted Elisa and Samuel. Barnes mentions Joe.

Deane, the Prince, meets them in the VIP room of the biggest club on the Rack, with one of his childer and a Tremere adviser in attendance. The Prince asks direct questions one on one. His childe stays with them as they wait, along with a couple of other vampires they've seen around the Rack but don't know. The Tremere says nothing, but tilts her head as if weighing their answers.

When they're finally allowed to leave, it's clear that they're still suspects. Do they want to find the killer, or stay well clear?

Saturday 23 October 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 4: Helping!

"Oh, yay, an evil ritual threatening to destroy everything. Whose asses does Cara have to kick to stop this?"
"You can kick asses too."
"Aww, thank you!"
"I mean you can help."
"Oh, right."

And so we're off to find one of the artefacts before the scary ritual guy does. This might involve negotiating with a rival circle of Mages, and/or werewolves.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 3

Vampire: The Masquerade

Blake, the Prince's childe, comes with an entourage and on the hunt for a potential dinner date. Charlotte asks Barnes about the chances this will be a problem, and he shakes his hand fifty-fifty. Blake strolls over to talk to Charlotte about the evening and she does her best to seem welcoming. Elisa and Samuel watch to see if this is going to go badly. Joe keeps a low profile. Eventually, having demonstrated that all the PCs are tolerated but not valued, Blake heads to the next place.

The next night, he's dead.

Sunday 10 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 2

Vampire: The Masquerade

Joe the Gangrel drifter is new in town. Charlotte the Toreador promoter represents a club at the edge of the Rack. Barnes the Banu Haqim ex-cop helps keep the Rack orderly. Elisa the Hecata medium attends the club some nights. Samuel the Lasombra doctor knows her.

It's the start of the academic year so the Rack is all-you-can-drink with students, Charlotte is looking forward to a big night and Barnes is keeping a close eye for the Sheriff, and watching Joe with suspicion, while Elisa and Samuel enjoy the evening. Which is when the Prince's spoiled childe rocks up...

Saturday 9 October 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 2: Theft!

So we have somebody stealing mystical artefacts and probably trying to destroy the spacetime continuum.

And worse than that, how does our girl feel about new coven members?

Sunday 3 October 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 1

Vampire: The Masquerade

A Gangrel traveller, a Toreador promoter, a Banu Haqim cop, a Hecata medium and a Lasombra doctor.
Session 1 was mostly introductions.

Saturday 2 October 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 1: Violence!

Our heroes Cara and Simon return!

... And so does Didi.

I eased in the new PCs (an Ecstatic and a Verbena) by mocking am occult thief goon's shoes before Cara drop-kicked him across the room.

Our hero Cara as Didi would describe her.

It's nice to be back.

Friday 1 October 2021

Vamptober 2021

"The Month of Darkness has begun! First, we'd like to share our prompts for this year's #Vamptober - feel free to join in any creative way you prefer: draw, paint, write, TikTok, take pictures, and more!"

As with last year, going with writing here...