Sunday 28 November 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 9

Vampire: The Masquerade

And we find the killer.

A mortal.

One of Blake's lovers.

But is this enough to stop the gathering storm?

(J: is it ever. #dramabomb)

Saturday 27 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 9: Taxis!

Alissa finds a newspaper to show the group the date. Cara was at a college track meet that day seven years ago so her past self is safely out of town. Simon hadn't moved here. Didi shrugs and says "It's Saturday, I'm sleeping at... somebody's."

They have to hail a taxi rather than get a rideshare by app.

"Okay, while we're here, we should use our foreknowledge of the next seven years to... um... wow, I really haven't done much in seven years." Didi frowns. "I mean, we could stop that demon cult guy from last year..."

They find the time mage at his house.
"I've been waiting for you."
"Of course you have," Cara deadpans.
Didi arches an eyebrow. "Really? You're a time wizard, how could you not - "
"What matters is that you can help me save a life."
"And change history to who knows what effect..." Simon points out.
"Of course. But let me worry about that."
"I really can't."
"It's true, if there's something to worry about he's gonna jump right on that," Didi nods.

The mage sighs, raises a hand, and they're across town... where a car accident is about to kill his beloved, and a dozen other people...

Thursday 25 November 2021

Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate!

(And a very merry Pizza Dog day to all.)

I can do turkey sandwich solidarity tomorrow, as getting turkey today would have involved going out.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 8

Vampire: The Masquerade

Charlotte goes to talk with the band, as she figures they have little to gain and a lot to lose from a crackdown on the Rack. They confirm that Blake had a fair bit of social pull but wasn't well loved by his clanmates.

Barnes checks in with the Sheriff, who has ruled some suspects out.

Joe visits the anarchs, who suggest looking into a splinter group.

Saturday 20 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 8: Disappointing Time Travel!

Our heroes and Didi work their way through the building to find the center, where a powerful and rather damaged mage is trying to turn back time to save the love of his life from dying in an accident.

"Okay, I feel bad for him, but hello Paradox..." Alissa says.
"If we try to fight him, is he gonna throw us back in time?" asks Didi, influenced by how much her player would dig that.
"Maybe if you ask him nicely..." Simon deadpans.
"Yeah, we don't all want to be stuck wearing corsets on the regular," Cara adds. Didi looks baffled.
The mage turns to greet them. "We won't take it that far. The day I need your help will be enough."

Everything goes Doppler effect. and...

"Where are we? Or when..." Cara groans.
"Seven years ago," Alissa confirms.
"Could be a lot worse, but we still better work the problem and get back."
"Can we at least go to a Bowie concert first?" Didi asks.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 7

Vampire: The Masquerade

Everybody has theories blaming everybody else, leaving the PCs to look at the suspects at a distance. Blake wasn't well liked, but as the childe of the Prince had some protection. It probably wasn't hunters because why stop at one, unless it was a personal vendetta. Do they know how Blake liked to feed? He'd dropped a few hints. Follow the money and/or blood...

Saturday 13 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 7: Repeated Violence

Tracking cultists by the mystical traces to another stolen item, Michael points out a familiar looking goon.

Didi squints. "Hey, didn't you beat this guy up already?"
"You're right, I did!" Cara looks offended.
"They must be using time magic to heal faster..." Simon suggests.

So now Cara is miffed. When she knocks somebody into next week she doesn't want to see them again before that.

Following some violence, the circle make their way inside the cult base and discover it has more rooms than it should.

Simon geeks out. "It's bigger on the inside!" Cara sighs and starts drawing a map. Did tries to get her phone to work.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Vampire: The Masquerade Outside 6

Vampire: The Masquerade

Camarilla loyalists and Anarchs in the same club. Accusations.

Charlotte and Joe try to keep things civil. Barnes and Elisa start planning to set off a fire alarm and evacuate the building if a fight starts. Samuel gets ready to drop on someone if they start something, not really caring who.

Charlotte manages to get everything behind closed doors, at least.

Saturday 6 November 2021

Mage: The Ascension 2021 6: Archaeological Ignorance!

So Simon is now the proud owner of a water clock. But, like, a magic water clock.

Alissa the Ecstatic dancer and Michael the Verbena helped Cara thump a bunch of cultists.

"Is it good that they're coming after the bowl?"
"It's a water clock! And yes, that means it's important."
"Yay for us?"

Monday 1 November 2021


Happy, um... No-vember? Nov-ember? The ember of Nov? What even is this?