Monday 30 March 2015

Star Wars: Session IV: A New Dope

Still liking the dice for complications in addition to genuine success or failure, but it still feels like playing a dice game rather than getting out of the way. And we had one of the third set of symbols come up, after four sessions. There was a pause to look it up.

Finally met some Stormtroopers. Couldn't blast them.

Saturday 28 March 2015

It gets better...

I mention the scary fortune cookie post on Facebook and The World Of Darkness page sends me this:

I feel so loved.

Thursday 26 March 2015

That's comforting...

I made a joke on WODhappens about fortune cookie messages in The World Of Darkness... then Googled "scary fortune cookie" and found the one I imagined in the third suggested picture.

It's probably just an error in cutting the strips.


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Walking The Red Carpet

This week in Walking Alone, which Puny Mortals! get to go to a fancy party and which ones... don't?

Kendrick the totally trustworthy vampire got Sarah and Jim invitations to a fancy cocktail party in an art gallery that may or may not be Elysium, to meet with a sorcerer/psychic contact on neutral territory. And also to lavish Sarah with expensive gifts and possibly lay the groundwork to try and seduce her.

"Not that you could blame him..." as Jim's player noted.

Monday 23 March 2015

Star Wars field report

Funny dice still funny.

Still fighting Gamorreans and stuff instead of Stormtroopers.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Walking Barefoot

Tonight on Walking Alone, Amanda assured the Puny Mortals! that she could now see a big light blur instead of a big dark blur.

Comatose possession victim, still comatose. Well, that's awkward for our heroes.

Oh, and Doyle had to fight a possessed cop. So he was actually pretty glad of the coma-inducing exorcism power considering the alternatives.

Still, might be good to talk to a sorcerer before trying that on someone you need to wake up...

Monday 16 March 2015

Complaining about funny dice

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion session two:

"No, hang on, that's an explosion, not an advantage."

Could have done with inking the symbols different colours?

I like the separation of success and complication in theory, but the highly rare third symbol seems an extra thing too far, especially when multiple successes or complications are also there on the dice and a bit hard to read on some.

Well, makes a change from complaining about dice because they keep rolling badly.

Thursday 12 March 2015

"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."
Sir Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Walking Widdershins

Tonight in Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! tried the experiment to force a demon out of its host, based on the previous trick to sever mind control. This left the subject in a coma and Amanda blinded, both hopefully temporarily. So not a hundred percent successful then.

Monday 9 March 2015

Pyew Pyew Pyew

Star Wars is go, and I'm a scoundrel. I'm pretty badass.

Kinda like this.

But not a princess. Darn it.

Sunday 8 March 2015

The curse continues

Just had a PBP game fizzle before reaching the end of the first scene. Took twice as long to set up than it ran. :/

Friday 6 March 2015

More one-shots

Another couple months, another convention, another need for World Of Darkness one-shots. This time there's some prior advertising time, so I can do a specific game and expect to get some familiar-ish players.

But for the sake of simplicity, let's go with Puny Mortals. The convention theme is nautical, so let's strand them on a ship or an oil platform or something. And have something dreadful emerging from the depths. Just needs deck plans really.

Alternatively, pirate vampires.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Walking Back To Happiness Is A Warm Gun

Tonight in Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! were somewhat less than delighted to meet rival demons who were mind-controlling people to use as cannon fodder against the demon boss. Because being human cannon fodder is their job, obviously.

Jim and Sarah argued with Doyle over what to do about the controlled people, because they're nice and he's not really. They found a way to cut the demons' connections off before Doyle killed anybody, but it was closer than they would have liked. So now there's an extra level of conflict and friction just when the group need it least.

Meanwhile, Dr. Connelly met another vampire. Because another reminder that Kendrick can't be trusted is always helpful.

In related news, Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition.

Monday 2 March 2015

A WOD Blog that isn't mine

Painted Corners for creepy things suitable for ruining the PCs' day.

Use The Force, Carmilla!

Looks like we'll be playing Star Wars for a few months. I'll have to resist the temptation to be a Goth Jedi.

Probably better avoid the Force altogether, as (a) the temptation to wear black and be gloomy about the fate of the universe is undeniable and (b) it usually breaks games.

Princess or Scoundrel?