Thursday 28 May 2015

Walking Away

Tonight on the final episode of Walking Alone... who will survive?

A big monster fighting season finale didn't really fit the style of the game (I have a Buffy rulebook for that) so our Puny Mortals! had to use their ingenuity to prevent the demon getting loose. They had to ambush the cult leaders and stop the ritual.

Based on what they'd learned they found a cult lair, where among other things they found patchy surveillance files on themselves. (This included a photo of a photo taken of Sarah in 1888, the original apparently in a museum upstate... so she could give Donnelly her best "told you so" look.)

This lead our happy few to an abandoned hospital out of town that the cult used as its base,

Doyle and Connelly kept the cult busy by ambushing one guard successfully and another less successfully, starting a running gun fight, in the dark of course. Including one animated corpse who set himself on fire for a temporary tactical advantage.

Meanwhile Sarah, Jim, Mike and Amanda sabotaged the ritual site, got the generally hysterical hostage/sacrifices out, freed the possessed victims and dragged them away unconscious...

The demon arose. They dropped the building on it.

Did they stop the cult completely? Maybe, maybe not. Hard to tell in a maze of dark rooms while being shot at.

It felt climactic. Everybody seemed pretty pleased with how it went.

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