Wednesday 13 May 2015

Walking The Edge

Tonight on Walking Alone, our Puny Mortals! made plans, argued, and rescued some runaway kids from a demon cult cell.

Doyle: "Looks like they're getting desperate."
Jim: "Well, that's good news in a way..."

The surviving leader of the corrupt cops rather irritably helped make the evidence go away.

"You really need to disappear this body? He's been dead for a month, nobody's gonna suspect you killed him tonight just because he was walking around before you cut his head off."

Meanwhile, Kendrick tried to take over the vampire crime syndicate, which at least kept him occupied.

And Amanda got a vision that left her in a panic attack. When Sarah and Mike managed to talk her down, she described a black cloud hanging over the entire city as it burned - riots and murders, the dead rising...

Oh, and on top of everything else, Sarah and Mike's parents visited. Because I'm just mean like that. So they had to take them out to dinner while preparing to stop an apocalypse.

Mrs. Carter: "So, how is everything?"
Sarah: "It's, um... college is... not like I imagined."

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