Thursday 7 May 2015

Walking The Beatdown

Tonight on Walking Alone, the Puny Mortals! managed to kill Elina the vampire gangster instead of getting into a full-on war with corrupt cops. Because there's nothing like punching out the lead corrupt cop and then dragging him away from a gang of annoyed vampires to make him happy to forget the whole thing.

Doyle got to do the "cool guys don't look at explosions" moment and everything when he firebombed Elina's club.

(Kind of wish I'd brought the corrupt cops in sooner because they've proved to be a pretty interesting problem for Doyle in particular. Yay for stealing from someone else stealing from Person Of Interest!)

Sarah talked with Amelia the token high-Humanity vampire about her wish to be human again, because obviously we needed to complicate the simple moral issue of destroying vampires. She also talked to Amanda about how Jim is a gigantic idiot but means well, but that may not be enough.

And we're two sessions away from the end of the run, I think, so better work out what to do about the demon and its plan to free its true form and go Smaug on the city. Who lives, who dies, who gets their heart broken? Stay tuned!

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