Thursday 8 October 2015

We Are The First Night

We Are The Night starts with a murder. Start as you mean to go on.

Mary had met Simon a few times, as he hadn't been as subtle in watching out for her as he might have been. And now he was dead, and turning to dust right in front of her. He had his enemies... and now he was gone they were her inheritance, because she was his granddaughter. So now she knows vampires exist... and vice versa.

Laura had never met Mary until Simon, her sire, directed her to protect her in his final message. "You're the only family you have left."

Michael didn't want to get involved. He had a feeling he'd be saying that a lot over the next few nights. But he'd seen Simon watch over her, and seen a value in her.

Mary wants to do the right thing. Laura wants to protect Mary. Michael wants to punish those responsible.

This is going to be messy.

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